

兼容的盒子计划第一百十期 bazaar compatible program #110
31°12.246'N 121°25.010'E
人民书店 Library of People
2016/01/08 - 2016/01/10

安顺路98号小商品市场内26号铺 Shanghai, 98 Anshun Road, stall 26

The Library of People (LOP) is a nomadic gallery project that facilitates artistic interventions to promote dialogue and engagement surrounding cultural understandings of death. The LOP aims to bring death back into everyday life, add value to life, and to preserve stories, culture and traditions. This is the third proposition in the series; previous events have been held in Pavilosta, Latvia, and Gothenburg, Sweden.

Created by the artist collective of Michiko Erkola, Ints Ivanovskis, Liene Jurgelane, and Lindsay Tingstrom in collaboration with creative partner Bruce Bo Ding.


Shanghai, january 5, 2016